Ceasefire after nearly 47000 deaths in Gaza: Sense of relief, hope for peace across the world



As news about the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas spread, there was a visible sense of hope and relief across the world.

Horrified with the constant images of destruction and devastation in Gaza, people felt relieved that the bloodshed would finally end.

The region has gone through terrible times. Innocent citizens—innumerable women and children were killed.

Gaza recorded tens of thousands of deaths, witnessed destruction & devastation–a huge humanitarian crisis that unfolded in our era and in front of our eyes.

On social media, there was a clear feeling that though the conflict had prolonged so much and it was already too late, but at least, peace may now return to the troubled region.

Of course, it will be a colossal task for people to come out of the trauma that this entire generation in Gaza, has gone through. They have lost their near and dear ones. Entire families were killed in strikes. So many have got permanent injuries.


None of the major countries including those that have power of oil or are known for their economic strength or strategic location and alliances with West, could do anything more than rhetoric.

There was a clear lack of leadership and failure when it comes to statesmanship.

Leaders who earlier roared, were silent and unable to put up any pressure to save lives. Despite their channels of communication, there was no proper effort or coordinated bid to ease the hardships of people in Gaza.

Once the ceasefire comes into effect, the challenging task is to rebuild Gaza, provide the humanitarian relief, ensure food and medicines’ supplies, and then a long road towards rebuilding the infrastructure in a place that has been reduced to rubble.

In certain countries in Middle East, there is a need for introspection that how they lack strength in terms of will, influence and voice on international forums and are unable to wield their clout to resolve issue.

It must be remembered that countries in South America and Africa took serious and strong stand on the issue of Gaza and the people of Palestine.

In Israel, there was pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu to save the hostages and bring them back to the country. Even after news of ceasefire came, the attacks continued on Gaza. In the last fifteen months, Gaza has suffered enormously and the bombardment on this small piece of land, and the sufferings of the people had shaken the world.

UN has welcomed the deal. But international community must not be in wait and watch mode. It needs to be prepared to stop any war or humanitarian crisis, at the earliest.

[Email: editor@asiantribune.net]

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