Powerful Countries in the World: Five Asian countries in the top ten list of most powerful countries in 2025


The Asian Tribune


The list of the top ten most powerful countries in the world, has been released. The Forbes’ list for the year 2025 includes five Asian countries, clearly, showing the region’s growing clout.

It makes Asia, a continent with the highest number of countries that, are in the top ten. America remains at the top of the list. The surprise for many is that India is not in the Top Ten.

This is despite the country’s population,  resources,  economy, military power and a world leader in technology too. It is the most populous country in the world with over 1.42 billion people. While US is at the top spot, China comes close and is second. Remember, Russia is at number three. At the fourth place  is United Kingdom. Germany is at the fifth spot.

The comparatively smaller South Korea has been kept at the sixth number. This too signals the rise of Asian power in the contemporary world and on the global political arena. After South Korea, comes France. Once a major colonial power, it now ranks behind several other countries. Another country from Asia is placed just after South Korea and France.

It’s Japan that is at the eighth spot. Once it was the leader in continent. Saudi Arabia has shown its clout, as it is kept at the ninth spot. The tenth spot goes to Israel.  US is at the top with nearly 30 trillion dollar  as its GDP. China is away but catching up fast, as it touches 20 trillion dollars. The GDP shows the difference in ranking.  Russia is much behind with a huge margin and stands at 2.2 trillion dollars.

When it comes to GDP, United Kingdom–UK . The last in this list is Israel. Interestingly, Saudi Arab’s  GDP is higher than the Israel. Germany has 4.92 trillion dollars, France 3.28 trillion, Japan at nearly 4.4 trillion and South Korea close to 2 trillion doctors. On the ninth place is oil rich Saudi Arab with 1.14  trillion dollar GDP.

Israel that figures at the  tenth spot has 500 billion dollar  GDP. Population-wise strength shows that China has nearly 1.42 billion people and the second country in top ten is US that has 345 million people. Russia and China come next at 14.4 crore or 144 million and Japan has 12.37  crore.

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